
Digestovet Bolus/Powder

The unique combination of Probiotics with the latest culture of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC. 47 (French Strain) & Enzymes

Feeding Rate :

Cattle, Buffalo, Carpel & Horse   :   2 to 4 Bolus/day for 5 days

Calf, She§prGoat, Foal & Dog:   1 to 2 Bolus/day for 5 days

Digestovet -AFS

100 g, 200   g,    500 g

Ideal stomachic which regulates peristalsis normalizes microflora, balances Rumlnal pH and stimulates gastrointestinal secretions

Dosngr : Oral       Cow, Buflalo & Camel         :       40 to 60 g

Calf, Heifer & Colt  :  20 to 30 g

Shoop & Goat  :  10 to 15 g


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