Amikacin Sulphate IP 500 mg.
Methyl Paraben IP 0.08%w|v Propyl Paraben IP 0.02% w|v las preservative! las preservative!
Cattle, Horse & Camel:
Acute Mastitis, Metritis & Systemic infections Enteritis, Endometritis, Repeat breeding, Respiratory tract & umbilical infections caused by E-coli & salmonella calf scours & urinary tract infection. Retained Foetal Membranes
DOSAGES: Cattle, Sheep & Goat: 5-12 mg/kg Bodyweight by Intramuscular route for 3-5 days.
Pig & Dog: 4.4 to 6.6 mg/kg of body weight IM or IV.
Poultry: 20 mg. per kg. body weight by S/c injection.