Liquid High Concentrate feed supplement
containing Vitamin A, D3, E, H, C with Zinc & Selenium.
Nutritional value per 10 ml. :
Vitamin A 120000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 60000 I.U.
Vitamin E 50 mg
Vitamin H 1500 meg
Vitamin C 50 mg
Zinc 180 mg
Cobalt 1 mg
Selenium 1 mg.
. Builds up body resistance to infection.
. Keeps birds healthy. • Stimulates growth & production
• Provides strength & stamina during vaccination, debeaking, deworming, climatic changes, transportation, prolapsed, dystocia & cage fatigue.
. Maintains normal fertility in males and females.
• Improvesanykindoftress.
Livestock : Cattle, Buffalo & Horse: 10 ml. Twice daily.
Calf, Sheep, Goat & Pig: 5 ml. Twice daily.
Poultry : Chicks : 5ml./100birds.
Broilers: 7 ml. /100 birds Layers: 10 ml. /100 birds Or as directed by the Veterinarian.
30 ml., 100 ml., 200 ml., 500 ml., 1 Lt.