Each vial contains: Procaine benzylpenicillin I.P. 15 Lakhs IU + Benzylpenicillin sodium I.P. 5 Lakhs IU + Streptomycin sulphate I.P 2.5 g

Indications: Highly effective against both Gram-positive & Gram-negative bacteria, mixed- infections & infections in which the causative organisms cannot be readily identified Recommended for Infected wounds, surgical wounds and peritonitis.

Reconstitution & Dosage:

In each Vial of 2.5 g, add 7.5 mL of sterile distilled water to make 10 mL suspension Large Animal: 1 mL per 25 kg body weight through IM route Small Animal: 1 mL per 5 kg body weight through IM route Duration: 3-5 days or as recommended by the Veterinarian Pack: 2.5 gm glass vial


Each vial contains: Streptomycin sulphate I.P. equivalent to 5 g Streptomycin base + Procaine penicillin I.P, equivalent to 3,000,000 IU + Benzylpenlclllln sodium I.P. (Penicillin G Sodium) equivalent to 1,000,000 IU

Indications: Highly effective against both Gram-posltlve & Gram-negative bacteria, mixed- Infectlons & Infections In which the causative organisms cannot be readily Identified Recommended for Infected wounds, surgical wounds and peritonitis.

Reconstitution & Dosage:

In each Vial of 5 g, add 14 mL of sterile distilled water to make 20 mL suspension Large Animal: 1 mL per 25 kg body weight through IM route Small Animal: 1 mL per 5 kg body weight through IM route Duration: 3-5 days Kills                 or as recommended by the Veterinarian

Tough Bacterid Pack: 5 gm glass vial


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