Each ml contains Sodium salt of 4-dimethylamine,2-methylphenyl-phosphonic acid 0.2 g. It is used for improving metabolism, milk production and fertility in livestock.
Dosage and Administration:
Depending on size and weight
Cattle, Horse: 5 – 20 ml by intravenous inject.
Pigs: 5 – 20 ml by intravenous inject.
Sheep, goats: 1 – 3 ml by intravenous inject According to the size and weight of the animal. Dosage should be repeated at short intervals (of 1 – 3 days) until recovery is evident.
Dogs, Cats: 1 – 3 ml by subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous injection. For chronic conditions, 5 – 10 subcutaneous or intramuscular injections should be given at 48 hours interval with the dose rate of 1 – 2 ml.
Vials of 10 ml, 30 ml and 100 ml