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CuRx Injection

 Composition: Each ml contains Enrofloxacin 100 mg and Ketoprofen 60 mg


Pharmacology and Mechanism of Action
Fluoroquinolone antibacterial drug.  Enrofloxacin is bactericidal with a broad spectrum of activity. In most animal species, enrofloxacin is metabolized to ciprofloxacin.
Indications and Clinical Uses
Treatment has included infections of skin and soft tissue, UTIs in dogs and cats, Chlamydophila felis infections in cats, and and ulcerrative colitis caused by Escherichia coli in dogs. It is also approved for treatment of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, P. multocida, and Haemophilus somni (previously Haemophilus somnus).

Adverse Reactions and Side Effects
Avoid use in young dogs because of risk of cartilage injury. Do not administer to young foals; injury to articular cartilage has been reported. Use cautiously in animals that may be prone to seizures, such as epileptics. Do not administer to cats at doses greater than 5 mg/kg/day.

Do not mix in solutions or in vials with aluminum, calcium, iron, or zinc because chelation may occur. Enrofloxacin may precipitate in an IV line if injected directly into IV fluids.

Small Animal Dosage
• 5-20 mg/kg/day IM, PO, or IV.
• 5 mg/kg/day PO or IM. (Avoid intravenous use in cats.)
Exotic Animals
• Usually 5 mg/kg/day or in reptiles, every other day.
• 15 mg/kg q12h IM or PO.
Large Animal Dosage

Cattle (BRD)
• Single dose: 7.5-12.5 mg/kg once SQ (3.4 to 5.7 mL per 100 pounds).
• Multiple-dose:: 2.5 to 5 mg/kg SQ (1.1 to 2.3 mL per 100 pounds) once daily
for 3 to 5 days.
Swine (SRD)
• 7.5 mg/kg SQ, behind the ear.


Pharmacology and Mechanism of Action
Ketoprofen, like other NSAIDs, produces analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. The enzyme inhibited by NSAID is the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme (COX).

Indications and Clinical Uses
Ketoprofen is an NSAID and is used for the treatment of moderate pain and inflammation. It has a half-life in most animals of less than 2 hours, but it has a duration of action for up to 24 hours. It has been given by injection for acute treatment and by tablet for long-term use. In dogs and cats, it has been shown effective for treating pyrexia.  Ketoprofen also has been used in cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs. In cattle, it has been effective for fever, pain, and inflammation associated with mastitis.

Adverse Reactions and Side Effects
All NSAIDs share the similar adverse effect of GI toxicity.  Bleeding problems can occur if ketoprofen is administered before or after surgery.

Drug Interactions
Do not administer with other NSAIDs or with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids have been shown to exacerbate the GI adverse effects.
Instructions for Use

Small Animal Dosage
Dogs and Cats
• 1 mg/kg q24h PO for up to 5 days. Initial dose can be given via injection at up
to 2 mg/kg SQ, IM, or IV.
Large Animal Dosage
• 3 mg/kg/day, PO, IV or IM.
Cattle and Small Ruminants
• 3 mg/kg/day IV or IM for up to 3 days.

Dosage & Administration: Cattle & Buffalo: 30 ml for 400 kg animal, by I/M only
Available: 30 ml and 100 ml

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