Rasol is a veterinary medicine powder specially formulated to address milk production concerns in nursing dogs and cats. Its potent blend of ingredients helps stimulate and restore milk flow, providing vital support for mothers to properly nourish their pups or kittens.

Rasol: A Helping Hand for Healthy Milk Production in Nursing Pets

Rasol is a veterinary medicine powder specially formulated to address milk production concerns in nursing dogs and cats. Its potent blend of ingredients helps stimulate and restore milk flow, providing vital support for mothers to properly nourish their pups or kittens.

Understanding Rasol’s Action:

  • Galactagogue: The core ingredients act as galactagogues, stimulating the production and release of milk in the mammary glands. This helps address conditions like agalactia (complete lack of milk) and hypogalactia (insufficient milk production).
  • Hormonal Support: Rasol can help regulate hormonal imbalances that can impact milk production, particularly after giving birth or due to underlying conditions.
  • Overall Nourishment: The formula contains additional nutrients beneficial for nursing mothers, promoting their own health and well-being, which in turn supports their ability to produce nourishing milk.

Available Varieties:

Rasol comes in two convenient sizes:

  • 250gm: Ideal for addressing milder cases or supporting milk production in smaller animals.
  • 1kg: A cost-effective option for prolonged needs, larger animals, or litters with multiple pups/kittens.


  • Always consult your veterinarian before administering Rasol, especially if your pet has any pre-existing health conditions or is taking other medications.
  • Follow the recommended dosage based on your pet’s size, breed, and severity of the milk production issue as prescribed by your veterinarian.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Monitor your pet for any adverse effects and discontinue use if necessary.
  • Store Rasol in a cool, dry place out of reach of children and pets.

Supporting Healthy Milk Production:

Alongside Rasol, consider these steps to support nursing mothers:

  • Ensure proper nutrition with a high-quality diet specifically formulated for lactating animals.
  • Provide ample clean, fresh water for hydration.
  • Encourage frequent nursing sessions to stimulate milk production.
  • Maintain a calm and stress-free environment for the mother and pups/kittens.
  • Monitor nursing behavior and pup/kitten growth to evaluate milk intake and potential need for supplemental feeding.
  • Regularly consult your veterinarian for guidance and checkups.

By proactively addressing milk production concerns with Rasol and providing comprehensive support, you can help ensure your nursing pet thrives and her offspring receive the vital nourishment they need for healthy development. Remember, your veterinarian is your best partner in navigating the joys and challenges of motherhood in your furry companions.


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