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Each sachet contains : Tri sodium citrate 15 gm
Animal body pH gets changes due to several reason like temperature,
pressure and various type of diseases.
Buffer as solution when given orally to an animal can keep pH constant in
the animals body.
Blood is the main carrier of all vital substance of body, blood can perform
this function only when pH is maintained at the range of7.2-7.4
Buffer buffers the blood to its normal pH
Mode of action
Tri sodium citrate after dilution and oral
administration gets rapidly absorbed from intestine,
then it is broken down into citrate ion and sodium ion
thus exerting its buffering effect inside the body.
Systemic acidosis, Urinary acidosis, UTI, acidosis following a bout of diarrhoea,
in febrile condition, as adjuvant therapy to sulphonamide therapy.
o Adjunct to antibiotic therapy in all bacterial diseases.
O Treats clinical and subclinical mastitis.
Large animal 1st day 2 sachet (15 gmx 2)
2nd day- 5th day 1 sachet (15 gm) daily
(1 sachet to be dissolved in 250 ml water)
Small animal : 1st day % sachet to be given BD with
80 ml water.
2nd day on wards % sachet to be
given OD.
Buffer is totally safe and has no adverse effect upon
the animal on treatment at any type of upper limit.

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