+ Aristolochia 125 mg + Uraria picta
+ Peganum harmala 125 mg + Aegle marmelos
+ Saraca indica 250 mg + Solanum indicum
+ Rutacea 125 mg + Gmelina arborea
+ Clerodendrum 250 mg + Tribulus terrestris
+ Stereospermum 250 mg + Aloevera tourn
+ Desmodium 250 mg
Metra is a complete formulation to prevent uterine
disorders after parturition. Its unique formula containing
13 strong herbs

Helps expel placenta
Reduces uterine pain & inflammation
Prevents infections – ensures clear vaginal discharge
Prevents pus formation, avoid Metritis
Prevents loss of milk

Indications :
Retention of placenta
Metritis, Pyometra
Recommended Dose:
Large animals: 75-100 ml daily
Small animals: 50ml daily
Availability: 500 ml. & 1 Lit.

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