Each 1.125 gm vial contains: Ceftiofur IP 1g, Tazobactam 0.125 g
Indications: Severe Respiratory tract infections like Hemorrhagic
Septicemia, Pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, Stubborn Uterine Infections
like Endometritis, Metritis, Pyometra, Vaginitis, Cervicitis, Other critical
bacterial infections like Foot Rot (Acute Interdigital Necrobacillosis) and
Urinary tract infections
Dosage: Cattle, Sheep and Goat: 1.1 to 2.2 mg/kg b.wt., In Buffalo: 2 to
2.4 mg/kg b.wt., In Horse: 2.2 to 4.4 mg/kg b.wt., In Swine: 3 to 5 mg/kg
b.wt. by IM route In Dog: 2.2 mg /kg b.wt. SC route Daily 3-5days
Presentation:Xyrofur Tazo 1.125 gm vial with WFI