
Zenvet Solution/Bolus

Composition :

Each ml of solution contains:

Closantel 15% w/v

Each bolus contains: Closantel 1000 mg


Broad Spectrum Endectocide for treatment of Round worms, Liver Flukes and External parasites like Ticks, Lice and Mite


Solution: Nematodes and Cestodes – 1-1.5 ml per 15-20 kg b.wt. Ectoparasites and Liverflukes — 1-1.5 ml per 10-15 kg b.wt.

Bolus: Nematodes and Cestodes – 1 boli per 100 kg b.wt.

Ectoparasites and Liverflukes – 1 boli per 66 kg b.wt. Orally



Strip of 4 boli,

6 gm bolus,

30 ml, 100 ml,

200 ml, 300 ml and 500 ml bottles